Taurus is earthy and likes thing to appeal to the senses. Pisces is emotional and requires a soft and easy show of energy between two people. Yes, ultra romantic experiences can be successful with this combination. Soft music, the scent of a glowing candle, and the misty, musical notes of splashing raindrops appeals to both of these signs, having a soothing effect on both of them.
Anything musical has a fond appeal to them as well. The sign of Pisces does rule music, art, the medical field and the movies, to mention a few. Taurus loves smells and aromas that appeal. A perfect gift for a Pisces would be perfume or their favorite CD. Anything that has a hint of suggestion or illusion makes it ultra romantic to a Pisces. This blends well with Taurus favoring aesthetic surroundings.
Taurus is patient where as Pisces is tolerant with a strong sense of intuition. Pisces should always follow their first gut instincts when reasoning things out since their feelings are very strong. Taurus applies reasoning ability to solve problems and Pisces uses emotion bordering on sympathy and empathy.
At times, Taurus may find Pisces to be too much of a dreamer, lacking ambition or strength when the going gets rough. Taurus should try appealing to Pisces emotions in a sensitive manner otherwise Pisces may crumble. Taurus may need to tip toe around Pisces from time to time, exercising their patience, giving them a real work out.
When it comes to giving your heart away, or committing to a relationship, Pisces will give their all, once you have won their trust and approval. At times Pisces may require moments of solitude and want to be alone. This helps to recharge Pisces soul. Taurus won’t mind a bit, for Taurus can be similar, wanting to cozy up in their favorite recliner watching TV.
As long as Taurus speaks to Pisces in their natural refined, soft, and considerate manner, Pisces will definitely be able to hear you loud and clear!
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