Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st day of 8th grade!

Okay so today was my first day of 8th grade. We'll get to that later though. Rigth now lets talk about the other shit thats been  pissing me off. Yeah i knwo I don't usually cuss on my blog, but uh...Yeah. Maybe its because I dont have my phone that I have an additude. My Followers On twitter our dropping, I've been dissapointed alot for the past few days. And I'm irratated right now for pratcially no reason. I just am. Oh And I'm just.. annoyed. I wish I had a punching  bag. So I kinda like 8th grade. My bitchy friend Breiona decided she wasn't coming this year. She has a price to Pay. I got her though. So my other friends Janay and Alisha aren't in my class. So I Pretty Much only have Chris and Derrick. No girls to hang out with. I'm not angry. Just weirded out. I"ll try to be normal this year. but I don't have mty original people with me. I mean Breiona by that. I originally hang out with  Chris and Derrick.   haha 3.bp.blogspot.com/.../s400/annoyed+tweety.gif

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